Monday, December 19, 2011

Life Right Now

Obviously my last few posts have been a bit down. While part of me is so embarrassed for putting my feelings out there like that, this is my life right now. While I'm striving to keep a positive outlook, pretending that I feel well doesn't help matters. I'm trying to find a balance between accepting things as they are and continuing to find joy, even in hard times.

My doctor suspects that I have Lupus, but no firm diagnosis has been made. I've been referred to my mom's rheumatologist and am hoping he can help provide some answers. 

This week I have lots of Christmas projects that I hope to complete. I'm feeling much stronger than last week, but I know how one busy day can set me back. I so hope to feel well and fully enjoy time with family this week of Christmas! Yesterday at church I was reminded of my theme for 2011: "There is HOPE smiling brightly before us." I am so grateful for my Savior who offers me hope and peace even in these challenging times.

With Hope,


Stephanie said...

I'm so glad that you have HOPE smiling brightly before you, LJ. Remember to be good to yourself this week!

mrs.d said...

Lupus...yuck! I will pray not! But--if that does turn out to be the case, I have a dear friend who has suffered from Lupus for years and years and years, so if you need any inside info. from one who knows, let me know and I can get you her info.--she's possibly the SWEETEST person I've ever met, even as you are struggling, as she has struggled to keep a positive outlook amidst the weariness. I'm with Steph--be good to yourself! I wish we were going to be in Orem longer so I could see you, but we're heading to Cincinnati for the holidays. But Merry Christmas to you and the fam! xoxo ~mary