Thursday, December 23, 2010

Gifts of Love

I'm not sure why such a flood of emotions has swept over me, but this Christmas season has been a time of deep reflection. I've been involved in helping Sub-for-Santa recipients for many years. I've seen terribly sad situations and tried to make just a little difference. The idea of a family going without on Christmas simply breaks my heart. This year my eyes were opened to more than I alone could possibly do. Adjusting to working from home added another element of helplessness. What I used to be able to contribute financially has changed, and the energy to give of myself is not what it once was. I've sought to focus on simple gifts of love, yet the voices of perfectionism and pride tell me my efforts are not enough. Perhaps I am writing today just to remind myself that the best gifts truly do come from the heart. My mom taught me this fitting little poem when I was young.

What can I give Him,
Poor as I am?
If I were a shepherd,
I'd give Him a lamb.
If I were a Wise-man,
I'd do my part.
What can I give Him?
Give Him my heart

Satan will always try to tell us that our best gifts are insufficient, but he is a liar. Our simple efforts to lift others with love, are in fact what matter most. I am eternally grateful for the gift of love our Savior has given me. I have come to know him better through accepting his gift and atoning sacrifice in my own life.

With Much Love,

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