Wednesday, January 5, 2011

White Roses and Virtue

I've been busy planning a special activity for the young women tonight and thought I'd share a quick peek! This year's theme for the youth is Article of Faith 13. Long before I was married I knew I would be serving in the Young Women organization. Sister Dalton's talks began speaking to me and I knew the Lord was preparing me for something important.

Significantly, I think I shared this quote on my first blog entry, but I felt it was worth sharing again today. I read Sister Dalton's talk "Come Let us go up to the Mountain of the Lord" on a flight to Oakland, CA. I was taking a much needed escape from troubles that seemed insurmountable at the time. Upon arrival, Steph and I set out immediately to visit the Oakland Temple. I looked at the beautiful spray of white roses and thought of the story from Sister Dalton's talk.

"Last year when I was called to be the Young Women general president, as I was leaving President Monson’s office, he reached over to a bouquet of white roses, took one from the vase, and handed it to me. The moment he handed me that beautiful white rose, I knew why. I went back to the time when, as a young woman, I chose the white rose as my symbol of purity—my personal banner. How did President Monson know? I took that precious rose home, put it in a beautiful crystal vase, and placed it on a table where I could see it every day. Every day that rose reminded me of the importance of my own personal purity and virtue, and it reminded me of you. As you grow and blossom, your personal purity will enable you to become a force for good and an influence for righteousness in the world. I truly believe that one virtuous young woman, led by the Spirit, can change the world."

Sister Elaine S. Dalton General Young Women President

I have seen the force for good one girl can be. Perhaps at times the Lord has even allowed me to be that girl. I try to seek for that which is virtuous, lovely, and of good report. I hope to share these things here with you, in my calling with the young women, and with my family and friends.

With Hope,


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