Thursday, July 5, 2012

Dream Home...

Danny and I have a little dream home right here in Utah County. It's a beautifully kept older home with a charming exterior and lots of land. It has a lovely little pasture where I could keep animals and a great big barn where Danny could tinker around. There's even a small cottage on the property where I imagine having an art studio.

Really, it's been my dream home for years and years... I've driven past that property and daydreamed about the future more times than I can count. Who'd of guessed that years before I ever met Danny I would pick the one home that would appeal most to both of us. We drive about house-hunting now and than, not really looking to make a purchase, but just daydreaming and picturing the future... There are other homes we like and neighborhoods that appeal to us, but this particular property just tops our list... Of course it isn't even for sale, but it's fun to dream. The fact that Danny has grown to love it as much as I do almost makes me think that someday it really could be ours... or that we'll find something similar that we'll love just as much.

A charming little home, with a bit of land, and a happy little family... not a bad dream, I'd say. It's nice to have someone to share your dreams with.



Bre said...

well now I want to see a picture of the house! What city is it in?

Lynley Jill said...

I know... you'd think with a post all about the house there would be a picture of the actual house! ha. This is a picture of their pasture and their horse. I'll for sure share a picture of the house one of these days! It's in Provo.

Stephanie said...

And every dream home should have a regal pony grazing in the side pasture! :)

Whitney said...

Awwww! Baby! I hope you fed it a carrot!