Friday, January 4, 2013

So Glad It's You

For a few short hours only Danny and I shared the news of our little one's gender. We were in a bit of shock, having fully expected to hear that a baby girl was coming to our family. I guess it sounds a bit odd that we were so surprised to hear otherwise. We've gotten a few raised eyebrows--well, didn't you realize that was a possibility? Of course, we knew there was just as good of a chance that the baby would be a boy; but we had both seen little girls in vivid dreams and had thought we would have to wait longer for a little boy to join our family. I guess we must have seen a later chapter in our story. In sharing this, I want to be clear that we are not at all disappointed to be having a boy, just sincerely surprised.  

After purchasing blue confetti and straws, we headed over to the farm to share our news with Danny's family. Danny had to finish a quick project in his dad's shop, so I took a few moments to look at the beautiful winter scenery and ponder about our news. As I stood there in the chilly weather, looking out on the blanket of freshly fallen snow, I was filled with warmth and peace. I thought about my sweet brothers, Brett and Rob and was instantly struck with excitement for the little boy on his way, and his sisters that will some day follow. Suddenly I realized that the two little girls I had seen so vividly in my dreams would get to have a big brother! As a little sister who has always completely adored her brothers, I was filled with so much happiness for God's perfect order and timing. In that moment new pictures filled my mind--pictures wonderfully similar to my own childhood. I could see the great adventures they'll go on together, and the sweet friendships they'll share as children, and throughout their lives. I quietly whispered, "I'm so glad it's you, Max!" Together my little boy and I stood there on that chilly and quiet New Years Eve, completely happy and excited for everything ahead. Our bond continues to grow stronger every day, and I am so happy he is part of our family. I sure love my little Max!


1 comment:

Whitney said...

Spencer and I know very specifically what you mean. I'm so excited for you guys! Love you friend!