Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Campin' I Will Go...

Off to join the girls at camp tomororw!  I realize now just how much work my young women leaders put into their callings when I was growing up. Can we say EXHAUSTING?! Thank you notes and a word of appreciation is totally in order! I hope the girls have been having a wonderful time! I can't wait to see how they are doing and take part in the experience.

Now I gotta get some rest;)

With Love,


Stephanie said...

Wait . . . . I always heard that those Dowdles never did go camping! ;) I hope your visit to Girls' Camp will be a good one. May the force be with you!

Jeni C. said...

Well, one of us Dowdle's didn't go camping, at least girl's camping anyway! I never did go & don't really regret it.